We can design military PCBs for aviation, defense, and naval applications.
The following represents a few military applications Etrotrust can participate designing in:
- Automation networks (Command and control systems)
- Air cartographic photography
- Radio communication systems
- Radar Installations
- Power converters
- Power supplies
- LED lighting systems
- Temperature sensors
- Audio interface applications

Applications of Military & Defense PCB
Military PCBs have diverse uses.
Their applications can range from PCBs for naval operations, aviation, general defense, general defense, and even space applications.
And because military PCB applications are so varied, it’s important that you know exactly what type of PCB is suitable for your specific application.
Here are the specific applications for military PCBs:
1. Over Horizon Enforcement Networks
Over the horizon enforcements, networks are cyber intelligence systems.
These systems are used to protect foreign intelligence operations.
PCBs in this scenario ensure that the cyber counterintelligence systems reliably and efficiently prevent, deter, defeat, or manipulate the possibility of a cyber-intelligence crime.
2. Cross Targeting Systems
Cross targeting systems also known as cryptanalysis systems, help in the decryption and analysis of codes, ciphers or encrypted text.
These systems use mathematical formulas to search for algorithm vulnerabilities and break into cryptography or information security systems
A quality PCB is vital in ensuring precision and control during cryptanalyses.
3. Automation Networks
Most network systems in the military today are automated.
A quality military PCB enables the secure and reliable implementation of these network automation to control and manage the repetitive process and improve network service during operations.
4. Air Cartographic Photography
Air cartographic photograph
Air cartographic photography is the taking and processing of air photographs for mapping and charting purposes.
PCBs in this regard is at the center of military air cartography equipment including automatic search jamming systems among others.
5. Radio Communication Systems
All military radio communication equipment, i.e., tactical cell phones, tower radios, etc. require PCBs to function.
6. Radar Installations
As mentioned many times in this guide, reliability is crucial in the military.
Radar installations help to transmit radio waves which are very important in military communication.
High quality and durable PCBs are thus used in these installations to ensure greater efficiency and reliability.
7. Power converters (ASRAAM – Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missiles)
Power converters are devices used to convert electrical energy from one form to another.
They are critical devices in military applications.
Advanced short range air to air missiles, for instance, rely on power converters to enable them to launch and get to the target as specified.
Any failure in these converters can be very catastrophic.
Thus, military PCBs for power converters are built with features that allow it to withstand any harsh conditions including thermal duress, high electrical amperage, etc.
8. Power Supplies
Military grade PCBs are vital in any equipment that powers a variety of military air crafts, control towers, satellite among other systems.
Failure of these power supply systems is not an option in this case.
That is, PCBs for this application are often designed and fabricated with the ability to withstand fluctuations in power supply and high electrical amperage.
9. LED Lighting Systems
Most military telecommunication equipment includes LED displays and indicators, which utilize PCBs.
10. Instrumentation
Instruments used to monitor threats, conduct military operations and operate equipment use PCBs.
Specially designed boards are used to enable these indicators.
11. Control Tower Systems
Military control tower systems rely on PCBs to reliably and efficiently receive and transmit signal from cell phones and other radio communication equipment.
These systems utilize PCBs that withstand the hostile outdoor conditions, i.e., high temperatures, dust, humidity, etc.
12. Temperature Sensors
Temperature sensors are used to detect and measure rise or drop in temperature within a device.
Any change in temperature primarily a rise is then converted into electrical signals.
Most military systems are subjected to fluctuating temperatures.
Meaning, they require specialized military PCBs that are designed to handle this kind of fluctuations.
13. Monitoring Equipment
Our defense forces use various kinds of monitoring equipment including pressure sensors, accelerometers, etc.
These monitors use military grade PCBs that allow for precision, control, and efficiency during application.
That’s it! The specific applications of military PCBs.
Kindly contact us if you want to design and produce PCB for the specific military or defense application project.